51Degrees PHP ReadMe ----- Core Usage ----- 51Degrees for PHP can be installed simply by placing the 4 script files and a data file in your website's directory and including the 51Degrees.php script. This will be create a global array called $_51d which contains properties about the requesting device. The following sample demonstrates this: Detection Information As well as device properties, $_51d also has information about the detection. ----- Metadata ----- Information about properties, such as descriptions, a web link explaining the property, and possible values can be found with the 51Degrees_metadata.php script. It creates another global array called $_51d_meta_data. ----- Additional Options ----- 51Degrees for PHP allows for some global values to change its behaviour. It is strongly recommended that the $fiftyone_degrees_data_file_path be set directly in the 51Degrees.php file, as then the same data file will be used in all 51Degrees components. Otherwise, these properties must be set before the 51Degrees.php script is invoked. If not set they will all use default options. ----- Image Optimiser ----- 51Degrees can also be used to optimise your pages images, resizing to be more appropriate for the viewing device. The PHP optimiser works by passing an image path and the desired size to a PHP page, which then resizes the image, caches it and then serves it. The cache means that an image in a particular size is only created once. To do this some 51Degrees javascript needs to be added to the page and the img tags to be written in a slightly different way. The following img tag: Becomes: E.gif is 1x1 pixel place holder for the image, and the data-src attribute should contain the location of ImageHandler.php, with the src and dimensions of the image embedded. The optimiser script looks for img tags with the data-src attribute and calculates the size the image should be. The following script should then be included in your page after the body tag: Additional options can also be set for image resizing to restrict how many images are created. All of these parameters are set in the 51Degrees.php file: $_fiftyone_degrees_max_image_width: integer - determines the maximum width an image can be resized to. Aspect ratio will be retained if possible to do so. $_fiftyone_degrees_max_image_height: integer - determines the maximum height an image can be resized to. Aspect ratio will be retained if possible to do so. $_fiftyone_degrees_image_factor: integer - controls a factor that image height and width must be resized too. For instance, if $_fiftyone_degrees_image_factor is 2 then an image's height and width will be rounded down to the nearest size divisible by 2. This is too restrict images being made that are only very slightly different. $_fiftyone_degrees_image_width_parameter:* string - controls the width query string used in the url that the image resizer responds to. $_fiftyone_degrees_image_height_parameter:* string - controls the width query string used in the url that the image resizer responds to. *Note that if $_fiftyone_degrees_image_width_parameter or $_fiftyone_degrees_image_height_parameter are changed from their default then the new value must be placed in the FODIO constructor. For instance, if they're changed to 'width' and 'height' then the FODIO constructor would be new FODIO('width', 'height'); A demonstration can be seen in Gallery.php. ----- Feature Detection ----- Some device information is not available through just the web request alone, so 51Degrees Feature Detection runs script on some devices to better identify information from the device. To enable this feature, simply reference 51Degrees.core.js.php and call new FODFO(); ----- Bandwidth Monitoring ----- 51Degrees allows your website to determine how much bandwidth a client has, allowing you to tailor your wite to take advantage of a fast connection, or be conservative with a very slow one. To monitor bandwidth you should include the following script: Including this script will fill the $_51d array with the following values: - LastResponseTime (Integer - milliseconds) The time taken for the web page to start rendering after the user initiated the request. LastCompletionTime (Integer - milliseconds) The time taken for the web page to complete rendering after the user initiated the request. AverageResponseTime (Integer - milliseconds) The average time taken for the page to start rendering after the user initiated the request during the previous 5 minutes. AverageCompletionTime (Integer - milliseconds) The average time taken for the page to complete rendering after the user initiated the request during the previous 5 minutes. AverageBandwidth (Integer - bytes / second) The effective average bandwidth of the connection as measured by the amount of HTML data sent and received. The value will vary from a network level inspection as it does not include the TCP or HTTP overhead. It should be used as a guide to the available effective bandwidth. The time values are of more practical use to developers. ----- Client Side Properties ----- An optional include script can be added to the web page to provide information to client side javascript concerning the device enabling decisions to be taken in javascript. The javascript returned will create an object called FODF (51Degrees Features) which can be used to request properties. For example the following JavaScript would return the IsMobile value. if (FODF.IsMobile) { // Do something for mobiles only. } The value returned will be of a type associated with the property. See the Property Dictionary for details of property types. The necessary javascript includes need to be added into the page by the developer. The following needs to be added to the HTML page header before accessing the FODF variable. - ChangeLog v3.1.5.1 - Fixed bug that prevented properties from listing all their values. v3.1.4.3 - Fixed bug where metadata caches would not be removed. - Feature.js property names are now stripped of '/' characters so they don't cause parser errors. - Fixed bug where Feature Detection script would not be created in the core.js script. v3.1.3.1 - Removed usage of the method DirectoryIterator::getExtension() in 51Degrees_metadata.php as it is not available in PHP 5.3.5 and earlier. v3.1.2.1 - Made improvements to the share usage script. It will now only send once per session. v3.1.1.2 - Fixed a defect in the updater where it would download a data file with a newer version than supported which would then crash subsequent detections. - Added a file, '51Degrees_update_logger.php'. This file will attempt a device data update and display the log and progress in a prettier form. This should only be used with vanilla installations, CMS plugins already have this functionality built into the plugin. v3.1.0.1 - The 51Degrees device data file has been changed so that there are more internal lists that are ordered in a different way. That means that the detector is now much faster on certain useragents that feature a lot in other useragents. v3.0.9.4 - The image width and height parameters have been changed to 'w' and 'h'. - Added the $_fiftyone_degrees_default_auto attribute. If an image is requested with a width or height set to 'auto', the parameter will be changed to the value set in 'defaultAuto'. This change was made for clients without javascript that should still be served images, such as search crawlers. The attribute is optional and defaults to 50. - The API no longer crashes when given a useragent that feature in many other useragents but is not used widely itself, ie 'Mozilla/4'. - The 'DataFile' element in the $_51d array now says the datafile that was used rather than the one that was supposed to be used. This makes identifying broken file paths easier. v3.0.8.3 - Changed to use system agnostic filepaths. - Fixed issue where a fallback datafile name did not use a fully qualified path. - The update script now specifies a timezone to prevent a warning from strtotime. v3.0.7.2 - The API now supports PHP 5.3. - Fixed a bug where boolean values were not being properly cast to boolean types. v3.0.6.5 - Image optimiser has been given more configuration options to restrict the number of images that can be generated. The following 5 image options can now be configured in the 51Degrees.php file: $_fiftyone_degrees_max_image_width: integer - determines the maximum width an image can be resized to. Aspect ratio will be retained if possible to do so. $_fiftyone_degrees_max_image_height: integer - determines the maximum height an image can be resized too. Aspect ratio will be retained if possible to do so. $_fiftyone_degrees_image_factor: integer - controls a factor that image height and width must be resized too. For instance, if $_fiftyone_degrees_image_factor is 2 then an image's height and width will be rounded down to the nearest size divisible by 2. This is too restrict images being made that are only very slightly different. $_fiftyone_degrees_image_width_parameter:* string - controls the width query string used in the url that the image resizer responds to. $_fiftyone_degrees_image_height_parameter:* string - controls the width query string used in the url that the image resizer responds to. *Note that if $_fiftyone_degrees_image_width_parameter or $_fiftyone_degrees_image_height_parameter are changed from their default then the new value must be placed in the FODIO constructor. For instance, if they're changed to 'w' and 'h' then the FODIO constructor would be new FODIO('w', 'h'); - Added 51Degrees.features.js.php. Calling this script returns a javascript object of properties the requesting device supports. - Renamed 51Degrees.js.php to 51Degrees.core.js.php. This is to align with other 51Degrees APIs and to distinguish from 51Degrees.features.js.php. - Metadata now has type information for device properties. - Improved the metadata cache, so old caches are removed and there is no chance of one being used for the wrong data set. - The data format has changed slightly to allow faster property value retrieval from properties in a future version. - Data updates are now available. By placing a 51Degress .lic file in the 51Degrees directory and requesting 51Degrees_Update.php the api attempts to get the latest data file and place it in the file location specified in 51Degrees.php. Fixed a bug where defer_execution = true was only being partially respected. - Reworked image cache so there is no chance of a cache collision. v3.0.3.0 - The alorithm now implements closest and nearest matching - Closest matching has now been implemented. - Another detection method termed Nearest has been added to the logic. The Nearest match method will return results for sub strings that are precisely present in the target user agent but offset by 1 or more characters. The signature with the lowest difference in sub string positions is returned. The method may not find a matching signature in which case the Closest match method is used. - 6 new fields have been added to the Dataset header to assist the separate C routine in efficient memory allocation. They’re not used by the PHP API and can be ignored. - The Closest and Nearest methods will no longer evaluate nodes that are known to match precisely to the signature being evaluated. This improves performance but does not impact accuracy. - The Numeric method will no longer include nodes with numeric difference that overlap with nodes already found. This addresses a matching accuracy issue. - In the Premium and Ultimate data sets useragents which contain Android but have not been precisely mapped to a specific hardware model will now be assigned to the Generic Android device. Known Issues - Optimising large images may cause Apache to crash with a memory exception. Apache should be allocated with more memory or smaller images should be used. v3.0.1.0 - References to 'mobi' have been removed. Therefore, includes such as "require_once '51Degrees.mobi.php'" will need to be changed to "require_once '51Degrees.php'". Other file names have also been changed for consistency. The complete list of changed file names are: 51Degrees.mobi.php -> 51Degrees.php 51Degrees.mobi.metadata.php -> 51Degrees_metadata.php 51Degrees.mobi.usage.php -> 51Degrees_usage.php 51Degrees.mobi.js -> 51Degrees.js 51Degrees.mobi_datareader.php -> 51Degrees_data_reader.php Filereader.php -> 51Degrees_file_reader.php - The signature has changed so that there is no reference to the full byte array of the signature. When needed this information this information is now constructed from the nodes. The Closest match method has therefore changed to only compare the characters not contained in matched nodes and not the nodes that are known to match exactly or numerically. The PHP api does not yet implement these new changes to the closest match, so there will be varying detection results. - The data structure of the Node in the data set has changed to provide the number of child nodes, numeric child nodes and signatures the node relates to before all of those lists. The means data is now only loaded when required, speeding up the detection. Known Issues - Matches using the 'closest' method may not return the same result as the other APIs, as PHP has not yet been updated to use the latest algorithm. v3.0.0 - Initial Release